June 05, 2007

Vertigo a go-go!

Well have you ever heard of Benign Paroxystic Positional Vertigo? Are your ears fonctioning well? Yes its a very complicated phrase and yes your ears are involved! Since I 'm dizzy and nauseous all day I can tell you that this little malfonction of the mid-ear is very disturbing. When you move your head upwards or downwards and even when you go to bed, or rolling over in bed you get very dizzy and disorientated! This is due to the ear "rocks" or little crystals of calcium carbonate that are not well placed in your canal (mid ear). In half of the cases, and mine, BPPV is idiopathic, which means it occurs for no known reason. The symptoms subside or disappear within one or 3 weeks or even longer. Rest is required and Patience is a virtue! Meanwhile vertigo a go-go!

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