February 21, 2007

Queen Mary and Elisabeth

Yesterday i went to Cronulla Beach close to where Allison and Paul are living. Its a nice bay and you can walk al the way around it. After that i took the train back to Sutherland, got changed and then Allison and I went into Sydney City to Circular Quay. We arrived just in time to see this beautiful enormous cruiseliner the Queen Elisabeth 2 arrive in the Harbour. The boat so big it doesnt fit under the Sydney Harbour Bridge (see pictures). There were a lot of people that came to see this event.After we met up with Melinda and some of her friends in the Opera House Bar thats overlooking the Cruiseliner and Sydney Bridge. The other cruiseliner Queen Mary was docked in the Wooloomooloo Harbour and we didnt make it over there but we caught a glimpse of it standing at the Operahouse steps. It is even bigger than the Queen Elisabeth, its the biggest cruiseliner in the world. After a lot of wine and the fireworks, we went home. But i prefer the 14th July fireworks in Marseilles...

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